Query Selector Helper for Metro Apps

I wrote a post sometime back about selecting DOM elements in your Metro apps. I have since written myself a helper method that I find quite useful and perhaps you will too. It looks like this…

function q(query, context) {
context = context || document;
var result = context.querySelectorAll(query);
if (result.length > 1) return Array.prototype.slice.call(result);
else if (result.length == 1) return result[0];
else return null;

I just drop it in the global namespace (handslap) so I don’t have to worry about qualifying it with a namespace prefix. So, more specifically, I just add it outside of the function on the default.js page, and that makes it available to all of the pages in my app.

The original goal was to make it easier to type then things like…

var fredDiv = document.querySelector("div#fred");


var allDivs = document.querySelectorAll("div");

But I subsequently decided to combine the selection of single elements and multiple elements. The logic dictates that if multiple results are found, then they are all returned, but if just one is found then that one is returned. Furthermore, you can see that I am turning the NodeList result that comes back in the case of multiple results into a standard JavaScript array using a slice. This way I can use array methods like .map, .filter, etc.

It accepts a context which if it’s omitted will default to the document object. If provided, however, then the selection is done below the DOM element specified. Therefore this…

var allDivs = q("div");

…will find all div elements in the entire document, but…

var footer = q("div#footer");
var childDivs = q("div", footer);

…will find all div elements underneath the div called “footer”.

Use it if you like it. Happy selecting.