Posts tagged with "references"

App Accelerator Resources

To everyone who joined @mjconnection and I (@codefoster) at the Windows 8 App Accelerator the last 3 days, thanks for bringing all the energy, questions, and app ideas! I know I had a great time.

I promised everyone that I would provide a list of resources that we brought up in class. If you think of any more that I missed, feel free to leave it in a comment and I’ll merge it into this list.

Keep me posted on the progress of your apps!

Metro Tile Sources

The Noun Project - this is a great collection of icons that represent things… you know… nouns

Icon Finder - find icons on the web and get either the PNG or the ICO file - a cache of free glyphs that work well with Windows 8 Metro style tiles and art

The XAML Project - more

SyncFusion Metro Studio - more (broken)

Visual Studio Add-Ins

Debugger Canvas - use this to visualize your code and your call stack while you’re debugging. It even supports visualization of multi-threaded stacks and recursive functions.

Bug Aid - some more great help visualizing C# entities while you’re debugging

ReSharper 7 EAP - perhaps the biggest source of developer joy you can ask for

Art Tools - this is an awesome vector based graphics tool. If you’re still using a bitmap based image editing tool for generating app art, you should stop in your tracks and learn to use vector.

Kuler - a color palette picker. - again - again

App Stats

None of these support Windows 8 yet of course, but they were mentioned in class so I thought I should include them…

App Annie

